Electronic Payment



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    Amount Due:

    + Tip

    + 4% = Total Amount $

    Name On Card:


    Card Billing Address:

    Process Electronic: Check

    Name or Company On Check(A):





    Bank Name(B):

    Bank City(C):

    Bank State(C):

    Check Number(D):

    A.B.A #(E) (usually 2 digits):

    Amount of Check(H):


    Transit Number(F):

    Re-enter Transit Number:

    Account Number(G):

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    As Good As New BBB Business Review

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    Customer Feedback
    Rating: 4.5 Stars

    City: Arlington

    Clean and Seal Decks, Fences, Patios, Drives or Porches

    "The represenative that came to my home was very courteous and professional. The company provided me with great detail about the deck and provided a quote within the same day. They cleaned and completed painting my deck in two days and the deck looks awesome. I would recommend they leave at least a can of paint for touch up work. Overall, the work was outstanding and the painter did not leave any paint on any windows, patio furniture, or home."

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